Oil on Canvas, 2012, 24'' X 36''
Oil on Canvas, 2012, 36'' X 48''
Oil on Canvas, 2012
Oil on Canvas, thread, popcorn on mannequins, 2013
Oil on Canvas, 2013
Oil on Canvas, 2012, 12'' X 12''
Oil on Canvas, 2012, 12'' X 12''
Oil on Canvas, 2013, 16'' X 20''
Indian Ink, Paint Thinner on Mylar, 2013, 12'' X 18''
Indian Ink, Paint Thinner on Mylar, 2013, 18'' X 22''
Indian ink and paint thinner on Mylar, LED light, 2013
Indian ink and paint thinner on Mylar, LED light, plastic containers, plastic water bottles, live fish. 2013
Indian ink and paint thinner on Mylar, LED light, plastic containers, plastic water bottles, live fish. 2013
Indian ink and paint thinner on Mylar, LED light, plastic containers, plastic water bottles, live fish. 2013
Indian ink and paint thinner on Mylar, LED light, plastic containers, plastic water bottles, live fish. 2013